Perspectives from an English Historian who just happens to be Gay, Catholic, and a Democratic Socialist. Now back in the UK after 20 years of living in the United States. The Blog is eclectic in covering all these sides of my Life. Follow on Twitter at PaulBHalsall
Thursday, October 08, 2009
You Are (Most Probably) The End of Your Line
Contra Dawkins
Most people in the past do not have descendants.
In a known case, less than 15% of French people alive in 1789 have living descendants.
If evolution is about the winners, then I am on the side of the losers.
What's that French figure based on?
A comennt by Colin Renfrew in twop editions of his his generally excellent textbook called - _Archeology_.
When has Dawkins ever denied that 'Most people in the past do not have descendants'? And in what sense is 'evolution ... about the winners'?
In THE SELFISH GENE, Dawkins goes one and on about us alive being winners.
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