It's all true!
People with missing teeth audition for TV talent shows. Politicians have perfectly black lines between each tooth. Educated professionals flash crooked teeth. And a fair number of people seem to go shopping in ASDA without their teeth in.
Worst of all. Perfectly cute people in bars smile, and, well one doesn't want to be condemnatory, but....
Some things are better in America. Like Teeth.
If this is true, why is it? The stereotype for the French is that they don't bathe. I remember you once remarked in one of your classes at UNF that you had no plumbing while living in Scotland. Could that be a reason? Or is it just a society thing? Just curious.
Fun blog site! I'll check back in from time to time. My only experience with England was a shuttle ride between Heathrow and Gatwick on my way to Spain, but the countryside was pretty and the day was overcast, thus reinforcing my American stereotype of GB.
Doesn't the public health care in Britain cover dentistry?
A British citizen who saw my photo online said, "Ah, you must be American. You have good teeth." The things you learn or can speculate about online . . .
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