Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sexuality and Religion: What's the Connection?: Rush Limbaugh's hypocrisy

I think they are going after Limbaugh a bit much, but then I think the real issue is that he poses as a social conservative and is not married., so what's the Viagra for? To cope with the ED caused by taking the opiates?

Limbaugh has been nasty to so many people that one simply cannot help but be bemused when the nasty-machine he has created turns round and grabs him.

Sexuality and Religion: What's the Connection?: Rush Limbaugh's hypocrisy

But what is wrong with witch-hunting the witch-hunters?

If he came out and said the Constitution allows us to pursue happiness anyway we want, I would be right behind him. Cocaine, Oxycodone, and Mountain climbing are all bad for you: why are some banned?

As it is people can do really dangerous things (hang-gliding, water ski-ing, mountain climbing) all for the dopamine rush, and yet they are not curtailed. Why should Rush (who functioned perfectly well) not have been able to take Oxycontin or Viagra (and I have a script for 57 of them!).

I have no objection to what he does, just to the hypocrisy.

I have never used heroin, but I do know that Catholic nuns in the UK are amongst its largest purchers. Why because heroin is about the best pain killer we have, and they have developped a hospice system of rapid turning, to avoid bed sores, and two hour low-dose administrations of the drug (to retain alertness).

Rush's problem is not what he does, but the hypocrisy. I KNOW drugs can mess you up: I also know the hypocrisy around them can do more harm.

On 7/6/06, James R wrote:
> I do not understand the hoopla. Rush was found with a prescription drug.
> Whoopee. Some doctor gave him a prescription, and he has the bottle. So
> what? It is not like he was using heroin, or smuggling opium.
> Even if he has the bottle, it does not mean that he is using it right now.
> Maybe it was left over from his last marriage. Just another witch hunt.

Paul Halsall Internet History Sourcebooks Project


Anonymous said...

I do not understand the hoopla. Rush was found with a prescription drug. Whoopee. Some doctor gave him a prescription, and he has the bottle. So what? It is not like he was using heroin, or smuggling opium.
Even if he has the bottle, it does not mean that he is using it right now. Maybe it was left over from his last marriage. Just another witch hunt.

Paul Halsall said...

I'm not quite sure who "pete" is. I will answer though. Yes, it is OK to be Christian and Gay. There are not "two sides." The arguments can be very long on the subject, and I have gone through them several times in my life.