Tuesday, March 24, 2009

'The smaller they are, the harder it is,'

IDF: Soldiers' anti-Palestinian T-Shirts are 'tasteless' - Haaretz - Israel News

The Israel Defense Forces on Monday condemned T-shirts worn by soldiers that depict scenes of violence against Palestinians as the army faces increasing domestic criticism over its conduct during the recent offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The T-shirts, ordered by troops to mark the end of basic training and other military courses, were worn by a number of enlisted men in different units, Haaretz reported over the weekend. They were not made or sanctioned by the military.

One depicts a child in the cross-hairs of a rifle with the slogan, 'The smaller they are, the harder it is,' said one of T-shirts. Another shows a pregnant woman in the cross-hairs and the words '1 Shot 2 Kills'. Others depict a soldier blowing up a mosque and Palestinian women weeping over a gravestone.

I'm speechless.

[PS: See more at Sky News

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